
Add New Archiver Appliance Datasource

After installing plugin you can add Archiver Appliance datasource.

To add Archiver Appliance datasource, follow the below steps.

  1. Open Data Sources in the side menu.

  2. Click Add data source.

  3. Select ArchiverAppliacne in the list.

Add new datasrouce

Please refer How to add a data source for more information.

Datasource Settings

Datasrouce settings


  • URL: set retrieval url end with retrieval.

  • Access: controls how requests to the data source will be handled. Only Server mode is tested in this plugin.

    • Server: Grafana backend/server forwards the requests to the Archiver Appliance server.

    • Browser: directly access to the Archiver Appliance server from the browser.

  • Whitelisted Cookies: no need to configure.


Basically, no need to configure.


  • Use Backend: enable GO backend to retrieve the archive data for visualization. The archived data is retrieved and processed on Grafana server, then the data is sent to Grafana client.